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Email us for publications, tips, news, entertaining offers reviews and moreover, share your various ideas with us and for general inquiries, reach us by mail through» info.bouncemedia@gmail.com or bounceplc@gmail.com. Please note that you should always add a subject to help us quickly analyze what your mail means. We hate spam messages. Therefore, be cautious.
Call us today and get in touch with us.  Please note: that our call time starts from 7:45AM and ends by 10:30PM; Monday – Friday and Saturdays from 10:00AM to 3:00PM West African time. Furthermore, you should be aware that we restrict calls from non serious minded individuals who do not come up with proper information. You should call us 08083535695. And be optimistic!!!
In other to make sure we are poised in service delivery internationally, we ensure posts are deduced to our twitter bundle. We accept private messages, and we also accept followers from any administrative jingle be it public or private figure. Our tweets are convenient and toll free from adult content. Follow us on twitter via @blastedgist If you are not yet registered and wish to have an account signup now.
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We are glad to inform you that, working along with us, you are secured and we do not spam or bring up inconveniences to our customers and readers. You are 100% in a right track to help us show case our capabilities and strength.

We welcome you and hope you collaborate with us, as we collaborate with you to keep the media growing.

   You are advised to read our Disclaimer Policy and our Privacy Policy such that you do not compromise with our deeds.

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